The disk space feature displays the full capacity of data that you could have on your cloud web hosting server at one time. With a personal computer, for example, this would be the total size of a single hard disk drive or the full capacity of all hard drives in case that your computer has more than just a single one. The same way that your space on a PC is divided between installed software, docs, music files and so forth, the server disk space is ordinarily divided between website files, databases and email messages. Every file, folder and email takes some disk space on the server, which means you should consider a bunch of factors, not just the size of the files you upload. For example, getting big email attachments or having a script-driven website where the user-generated data is stored in a database will also affect the hdd space you are using.
Disk Space in Cloud Web Hosting
We've developed our cloud web hosting plans with the notion that the hdd space should never be an issue for your sites. While many hosting companies create accounts using a single server, and in fact, the most widespread Control Panels were made to run solely on this type of platform, we've applied a completely different approach. We have clusters of servers that handle every aspect of the hosting service, so your files will be stored on a single cluster, the emails on another,your databases on a third one, etcetera. With this cloud platform we achieve two things - the hard drive space is virtually infinite because we're able connect as many servers and hard disks to the clusters as needed, and we enhance the performance of every machine as just a single kind of system processes will operate on it. This tailor-made setup will enable you to enlarge your web sites as much as you'd like without having to worry about running out of hard disk space.